From January - July 2010, we are roaming the Indian Subcontinent (and beyond, as it turned out)...

...during that period, this blog page is the temporary home of

Saturday, January 9, 2010

English Holidays and Indian Adventures

It's been a busy few weeks. In mid-December, we both left Australia "for good" - Rebecca for the UK, and Brian to the USA. A week or so later, we reunited at London's Heathrow airport, then zipped through Brian's old neighborhood in Oxford en route to the Wilding residence in Kidderminster. The holidays were spent with Rebecca's family, the New Year with friends in Wales, and time since (and in between) has been split between friends, family, English pubs, and (for Brian) a trip to Devon and Dorset.
Time passed quickly, and before we knew it, the 10th of January has arrived. Our bags are packed - and are thankfully small (not bad for Rebecca's first big trip)!
Goodbye comfort; hello India.